Wednesday 20 February 2019

'O boca de ouro' - 1956

3rd February 1957 - Eurides Ramos' 'O Boca de Ouro' opens in Sao Paulo four months after its premiere in Rio de Janeiro.

17 October 1956 - Eurides Ramos' 'O Boca de Ouro' at Cines São Luiz, Rex, Riam, Leblon, Carioca etc.
Ankito, Catalano, Francisco Dantas, Wilson Grey, Erik (make-up man) & Alencaster Guimarães.
Heloisa Helena listens to Catalano in 1957's 'O boca de ouro' - a typical Brazilian high-society milieu. 

Production: Aliípio Ramos and Oswaldo Massini
direction: Eurides Ramos
argumento-roteiro: Josip B. Tanko
musica: Radamés Gnatalli

Fada Santoro
Humberto Catalano
Heloísa Helena
Nancy Montez
Wilson Grey

Arnaldo Montel
Francisco Dantas
Grijó Sobrinho
Alexandre Alencastro
Derek Wheatley
Conjunto Farroupilha
Trio Nagô (Evaldo Gouveia, Epaminondas & Mario Alves)

A 'Folha da Noite' de 5 Feb 1957 diz: quase total ausência de informação sobre o filme, o que acontece comumente com filmes nacionais. Ankito, provavelmente, repete o que vem fazendo exaustivamente, desta vez sob a ação do 'elixir da verdade'. 

5 February 1957 - daily 'O Estado de S.Paulo''s mini-review of Eurides Ramos' O boca de ouro'.
6 February 1957 - OESP columnist surprisingly writes about 'O Boca de Ouro' in a civilized manner. As we all know, most Brazilian media journalists treated the Brazilian musical comedy in a non-professional way. They were colonized intelectually and learned to despise the local product when they knew it was made for the Brazilian public. They did not respect the population of their own country and idealized they lived somewhere in the USA or Europe. 

This particular review is a little less biased. The journalist at least tried to analyze what he saw on the silver screen. He even praises screen-writer J.B.Tanko - Josip Bogoslaw Tanko, a Croatian cinematographer who worked for the Nazis during WWII, then migrated to Brazil in 1946, after having lost his whole family in the war. He also commends Catalano (Humberto Catalano * 5 May 1904) who plays a crazy scientist. He is also lenient with Ankito, saying he's got potential to be developed. But the columnist hates both marvelous Heloisa Helena and talented Wilson Grey. He gives no reason for his displeasure. 

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